London Fire Brigade keeping London safer
Many businesses are now re-opening, and adapting how they work to incorporate social distancing. Fire safety needs to be considered alongside these changes. You can find more information for businesses in the attached guidance note and on the London Fire Brigade website.
Fire Risk Assessments This key document is likely to need updating to reflect changes in staffing levels and working practices.
Emergency evacuation plans Do you need to update your plan to incorporate social distancing into your evacuations and fire drills? Read our advice.
Fire alarm systems Has your usual testing and maintenance schedule been disrupted? It’s time to check your alarms, extinguishers and other systems.
Fire doors Are staff propping open doors to avoid touching them when they should be kept shut? Know the risks.
Staff training Do you still have the fire wardens and fire marshals you need?
Arson Make sure combustible material hasn’t built up on or near to your premises.
Salvage plans Are your staff on standby if a salvage operation is needed? What if your staffing levels have changed?