New range at M@ke
We are excited to tell you about a new range just launched at m@ke:. This includes a wonderful selection of Mother’s Day and ‘all occasion’ cards plus some stunning framed prints and ceramic keepsakes. These are all designed and handcrafted by our m@ke: supported learning students within their art, printmaking and pottery classes.A new spring theme, ‘sea of flowers’ links to Climate Pledge and learner qualifications in enterprise, employability, skills for independence and environmental stock, all available to purchase now at the m@ke: shop, LECB Sidcup High Street (open Tuesday to Friday) or from reception at LECB, Brampton Road.‘m@ke: is a collective of talented artists with supported learning needs. Each of us brings our own unique and individual style to every piece.
Taking care of our planet and environment is important to us. We pride ourselves in designing and creating handcrafted products using eco-friendly materials including 100% recycled card, envelopes and biodegradable packaging.
People with learning difficulties and disabilities can be marginalised in our society. m@ke: celebrates us as gifted individuals.’