Statement on industrial action
Leader of the Council Councillor Teresa O’Neill OBE and Councillor Peter Craske Cabinet Member for Places have issued the following statement.
“Like all Bexley residents, we are frustrated by the ongoing disruption to our waste and recycling collections, which is happening because of a dispute in which we are not directly involved.
“Serco and Unite have met several times through ACAS (Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service) and we understand that they will be meeting again very soon. We have heard from both sides that they are close to an agreement.
“We have been told that Unite members will be balloted on a return to work. It is important that this happens as soon as possible, both for the sake of our residents, the staff who have continued to work throughout and those who are on strike.
“We urge both parties to the dispute to reach an agreement as soon as possible, so we can start to catch up on the collections that have been missed and get services back to normal.
“Thank you for your patience through this difficult period. We would also like to thank those crews that are working very hard to provide a service.
“We will post regular updates on the services we are providing and the steps we are able to take over the coming days and weeks to help collect your recycling.”