Vaccine Clinic opens in Civic Offices

First and second doses of the Covid vaccine are available at Civic Offices, Bexleyheath.

London Borough of Bexley, NHS Southeast England CCG, local GP practices and voluntary organisations are working together to make it as easy as possible for everyone in Bexley to receive their vaccination. The vaccine site at the Civic Offices is open to anyone 18 or over.

“We know how hard lockdown has been for everyone, but if we are to open safely on 19 July we need to increase the number of people who have been vaccinated,” said Councillor Teresa O’Neill OBE, Leader of London Borough of Bexley.

“That’s why we’re increasing the number of clinics in Bexley and making it as easy as possible for our residents to receive their jab. If you haven’t had yours yet please come forward and book one now, for us all.”

Appointments must be pre-booked either via GPs (they will contact you) or the national booking system at

The site at Civic Offices will be open Monday to Saturday with varied opening hours. You can find out the latest information at

Dr Anjan Ghosh, Director of Public Health for Bexley said: ”I encourage all of our residents to take full advantage of the high levels of protection the vaccines bring and to get their jabs booked as soon as possible. If you’re not registered with a GP, and want to receive a vaccination, temporary registration can be arranged.”

You can find out the latest vaccine information and facts at

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